Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rap Up!  Awesome Ladies, Awesome Class

This class allowed me to meet wonderful woman who is just as passionate as me to become an awesome teacher.  We have worked hard this semester with great discussion and various scenarios in putting our PBL assignments together.  We had the opportunity to meet on Saturdays for a few hours and it was a time well spent.  We try support each other, not only our group assignments, but our individual.  Each member held one another accountable, which made this entire process enjoyable.  Overall, I got very lucky working in a group that had the same goal as me.  We the Pue'o ladies Rock.  Thank you so much for being fantastic group members, I wish you all the best.

Group Project Base Learning URL:

Friday, April 26, 2013

"Task_3-6 Reflection"

  1. Why is it important to use teams in PBL?
Working in teams can provide some valuable experiences, which can be applied to one’s real world.  For example team collaboration in a group can be applied to future jobs or organization you might be a part of.  You also get different views and perspective on topics that may have a negative or positive influence on one’s opinion, and no matter what it will turn out to be an interesting discussion.  Lastly, you learn responsibility, trust and patience.
  1. What are some of the problems you see in student teams?
One of the common problems in student teams, are time management and setting up meeting times (online or face to face).  Everyone has busy schedules which makes it harder for everyone to meet.
  1. What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams?
I believe the best strategy is keeping an open communication with the group.  Plan wisely and effectively that benefits every member of the group.  If one member can’t meet face to face, then maybe the strategy is, the student would have to submit their part in writing and sent out to the group prior to the meeting.  Keeping an open minded, and figure out others ways, the group can cohesively make it work, is the best strategy.
  1. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
              Our group cohesive worked well together.  We were clear with instructions, assignments and supported one another.  No one had any concern this week, only “Praises”.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Task 3-5 Reflection

The Pue'o Woman Rock!  It was our last face to face at Waikele Starbucks.  What a wonderful semester, and my first solid group session at LCC.  I have met wonderful ladies who will make the best teachers in Hawaii.  Our collaboration was out standing and discussion intense.  Each group member took a section of our final project and post it to our Google Doc.
Overview:  Evette and Lauren
Requirement:  Mary
Resources:  Evette
Debrief:  Cherise
Authentic Assessment:  Lauren

We all review our final project, did a check and balance and as a group we were please with the outcome.  Next stop for Pue'o - Lunch gathering at "Chili's".
Just a final shout out to Lauren, Mary and Cherise, thank you for a great semesters and for all that you have done to make this any enjoyable class.  I'm glad we Pue'o Women Rock!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Task_3-4 Reflection

The Pue'o Ladies met face to face.  Starbucks were busy and out of sink, but our discussions was right on the money.  Mary, Lauren, Cherise and I, continues to have intense discussion that allows us to ask questions, research, and gather information to complete this weeks task.  Every session is a learning process.  It always helps me to broaden my thought patterns and look outside of the box.  I'm thankful that I'm in a great group.  Thanks Pue'o Ladies!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Task_3-3 Reflection

As a team we continue to meet on Saturdays at Starbucks Waikele, to discuss our weekly assignments.  Each of us contribute by participating in the discussion and brain storms ideas we can contribute to our group.  I try to jump in on google documents in facilitating the orientation memo, with Mary and Lauren assisting in the editing process and creating the welcome orientation memo.  Cherise help to develop the scenario, orientation memo and group discussion.  One thing I like about this group, is the cooperative learning that we continue to experiences.  We did get stuck on who we had to address our memos to. Overall another great group session for the Pueo's Wahine.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Task 3-2 Reflection

This week the Pue’o wahines gathered again at Starbucks Waikele as a solid group working toward achieving our class assignment.  Lauren, Mary, Cherise and I sat in a heavy discussion to assure that we were creating an SLO, which will provide an effective learning outcome for our students.  We discuss back and forth, what should be included in the SLO, and if each outcome can be measurable.  We looked up standards, other examples of outcomes and equally participated in the discussion.  This week Lauren took up the reign and facilitated the information on Google Doc.  What I contribute this week is participating in the discussion, giving ideas and adding my ideas.  It was another successful gathering and there was nothing I would change.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Task_3-1 Reflection

As a collaborative team, we used the check and balance to assure that we are working together in this assignment by reviewing, editing and agreeing to how our information will be presented.
Mary (fearless leader) created the initial Google Doc posting and sent it out for us to review.  Lauren created the initial summary posting and send it to the group to review.

What  I contributed to the final summary to include three required information and inserted another image, with students communicating an collaborating.
One thing that I enjoyed this week, is our intense discussion, sharing our point of views to come up with a final product.  Which  means there's nothing I would change.
We are strong Pue'o woman and our group meetings are awesome.  I have gain an ultimate respect for these ladies, who will be "Great Teachers".

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Debrief: Task 2

1.  Having completed this review of a web 2.0 tool would you use this tool in your classroom?
Yes.  Edmodo provides the organization, network lesson and activities that I can incorporate and my students can access the information from school or at their home.  It provides progress reports, work samples and more. 
2.  Prior to this activity, how did you typically select website or tools to use?
Google provides a wealth of information.  I just google a few words on what I’m looking for and google provides me with the information that I can explore.  If I see a product I can use, I will upload to my computer or ipad. 
3.  Do you have any ideas, comments or feedback on improving the web 2.0 tool selection process.      The only comment that I can think of is, make sure you know what you want to search for.  It    will make the process a lot easier.

Week 9

This week the Pue’o Wahine selected simulation as the topic discussion for the week.  As a collective group, we feel that in real life, teachers provide simulation in the classroom, by teaching new skills, lessons and activities.  Then expect our students to mimic the same skills we just model. We repeat the process until the students meets mastery.   Simulation software provides a virtual model for students to mimic or engage is the situation and then receive a respond for their action.  What we found that simulation provides a virtual stimulated lesson, allowing students to engage without cause and effect in the classroom. The chapter provides an academic example using virtual simulation in chemistry, allowing students to mix different solution, and see the reaction without it affecting the classroom environment. It also provides a virtual dissecting of a frog, without having to do in real life.  According to edutopia states a simulated experiment allows us to make mistakes and learn from them -- and even make more, new mistakes, and learn even more, over and over.  That any experiment can be reset, for the learner to keep on trying.  As I quote for one of our Pue’o member, “Practice does make it perfect.”
Edutopia provide other simulation sites that were worth exploring.  We agreed that the Smithsonian simulation was a good experience for 3rd grade an up to explore and actual lesson.  The simulation allows the student to interact and it responded to their action.  It allows students to make mistakes; it resets itself, to allow the students to try again.  This software provides a wealth of experiences without leaving Hawaii, and provides valuable hands on experiences like exploring the universe, artifacts, exhibits, and more. 
The other learning factors, is that simulation software are created for various profession, business, academic and more.  In our country alone, military uses simulation to reenact a situation, and allows the troop to find the best possible solution or operation.  Air plane educational course uses simulation to learn how to operate an aircraft in certain situation, like weather changes, air pressure and more.  Simulation has been around for a while and as technology continues to be used in the classroom, home and community, it will help us stimulate our brain, provides hands on experience and more. 
Further resources: Check it out
1. Smithsonian Seriously Amazing

2.   Gizmo simulation software
3.  You tube – Model & Simulation 101
4.  Dissecting a frog